Black Man Enjoys Kayaking in AmeriKKKa


Last week, Larry found a great deal on the Craigslist website. It was a deal to buy a kayak. The kayak’s previous owner was an older white man who resides in Mission Viejo. This older gentleman used the kayak to fish at the lake near his home. Larry had done research into locations to kayak near his home in Inglewood, CA. He discovered that Mother’s Beach, Pyramid Lake, Terranea Resort, Point Vicente, and Millerton Lake are all options. After researching the possible kayak locations, Larry decided on Mother’s beach which is in Marina Del Rey. He went there one morning and enjoyed two outings between which he took a bathroom break. The experience was excellent because Larry was able to engage in an activity other than shopping or watching YouTube/TV. Although, he enjoys those activities, he admits that too much of our lives are given to those activities and not adventurous activities like kayaking and surfing. Larry also said that such activities are sadly thought of as activities for “white people” because they can be expensive endeavors. Well, by kayaking, Larry proved that black people enjoy outdoorsy activities. And because Larry didn’t spend an arm and a leg on the kayak, he also proved that this activity doesn’t have to be expensive. Larry identifies as a black man. His pronouns are he/his/him. Lastly, Larry says that prejudice still exists and although he enjoyed kayaking in Marina Del Rey, he didn’t exactly feel welcomed. There were a few stares and unnecessary chatter from onlookers that made him feel uncomfortable.